Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

"Very pleased with the repair work, Danny was very personable, left everything neat and I definitely plan on recommending you in future"
- Loy J of Smithtown

"Danny did a great job, left area clean, if anyone has a problem, I know who to call"
- Rosemarie K of Port Jefferson

"Right on time, no wait, your guys were here when you said they would be, I can't imagine anyone wanting to please more, it was so nice. Definitely recommending you, I can't believe how much you cared and understood I was having people over and my faucet not working was an inconvenience, came back the same day to take care of problem that was not even your fault, Thank you!"
- Lynn N of St. James

Best service call I've ever had in my life! Amazing, fantastic! Great guy, right to the point and fixed the problem. I would recommend you to anyone, and you have officially become our new plumber!"
- Lisa S of Smithtown

"Very Happy, thank you for coming out so quick"
- Gail R of Commack

"Guys were great, very nice people, nice and clean and did the job very well, I've dealt with A LOT of plumbers for over 30 years manager for a contractor, I believe I am a good judge of plumbers and I was very happy and pleased, seemed to know very well what they were doing, I appreciate it"
- Frank F of St James

"Guys were very good, same day!! Which was the main thing, I couldn't use anything in the house and they came and fixed everything in the same day, Thank you!"
- Perry S of St James

"Great, everything went really well! Very clean, absolutely no problems, I would definitely recommend you"
- Coleen B of Stony Brook

"Danny was great!"
- Jerry K of East Setauket

Went well, really appreciate your guys, Danny was great, I give your customer service a 10!"
- Gigi A of Huntington

"Everything was great including tech and everything is operational, thank you"
- Frank P of Fort Salonga

"Pleasantly surprised with the sink installation and very happy, guys were great and everything was great, thank you"
- Anne E of Hauppauge

"The Technician was here early, I really wanted to say thank you, we appreciate everything, especially during this very busy time with the hurricane and everything, we knew to call Cartelli's you guys are very responsive, half the time I call contractors they never call back, so thank you"
- Karen P of Kings Park

"Everything was wonderful, thank you so much for paying such close attention to this problem, and being so prompt, thank you"
- Paula C of East Northport

"Everything was beautiful, very smooth, very professional, very clean, I was impressed"
- Karin. M of Smithtown

"Everything was done terrifically, Chris is great, if I ever have any problem again, send him over, he's a true mechanic, he fits the bill, I'm very happy"
- Onisey K of Commack

"The moment we call your office we knew that we called the right people and the job went better than we thought it would be. Anthony did a really nice job."
- Jason S of Northport

"WOW is all I can say; we have had some other service people in and out of our home but wow. The office the two technicians all seem to have the highest level of professionalism. The job was done fast and neat. The follow up from the office was a nice touch. I would highly recommend your company, and will be very happy to do so."
- George K of Huntington Bay

"Nice to see someone who cares about how business should be done, thank you."
- Samantha G of Old Field

"Felt very confident right from the first phone call, right on time and job went very well. Will use you again."
- Terry C of Huntington

"Anthony was very nice and did a very neat and clean job."
- Mark M of Northport

"Moved to the Island not knowing anyone, and I have to say out of all the trades in my home your company was the best. Very helpful, nice to work with and followed up on everything. Job very well done. "
- Rick B of Fort Salonga

"It was nice to have someone show up on time and treat our home so professional"
- Roger C of Nissequogue

"My wife and I would never think of calling any other company then Outstanding, we were so happy with the service, the phone call to let us know you were on your way and how nice the service man was. Thank you"
- Blanch S of Centerport

"In today's down turn of service it is nice to find a company that you can count on"
- Mark M of Lloyd Harbor

"Very helpful right from the phone call to the service men who did our job. I would call again if we needed plumbing work"
- Carol T of Setauket

"Chris did a very nice job. Thank you for coming so fast."
- Glen T of Nesconset

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(631) 693-4797